Career Coaching

Career Coaching Services to Explore your True Calling With The Best Career Coach UK, Aina Raj

Aina’s Proven Career Coaching Approach to Make you Live your Desires-

Discovery Phase: The phase entails diving deep into your inner self and being aware of your weaknesses and hidden flaws. This phase is structured to help you recognize “As-Is” and examine underlying self-limiting ideas through Q&A sessions, self-assessments, psychometric, and personality tests.

Self-Reflection Phase: This step includes using an “outside-in” approach to understand how your thoughts and attitude affect yourself and others. When a birds-eye view or a look at the wider picture is necessary, elements of Emotional Intelligence and NLP approaches are used to explore within.

Continuous Progress: Coach Aina provides complete support, encouragement, and inspiration to help you reach your goals as planned. This would be assured by a monthly or quarterly check-in following the completion of mutually agreed-upon coaching sessions to make sure you’re on track.

Making Ambitions Succeed

Coach Aina is here throughout your career journey!

Whether you’re just starting out or about to embark on a new life-changing adventure, Aina provides guidance and tools to help you achieve whatever it is you want from your career.

If You are in Trouble Need My Help, Contact Me!

Ut sagittis non molestie commodo gravida elementum tempus.

Personal Therapy

(Life & Career)
£ 75 per hour 8 Sessions
(One time payment)
  • One 60 min Session per week

Job Coaching

£ 85 per hour for 4 Sessions
(One time payment)
  • One 60 min Session per week

On Demand Coaching

£ 100 per hour Pay per Session
  • One 60 min Session on demand

What I Offer

Aina offers a complete coaching solution to any issues you are facing today. May it be a life issue, career issue or a relationship issue; contact your coach Aina right away!


What My Clients Say

Free First Consultation​

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